Amados amigos...

Comments and answers.

You have moved my heart and changed my life; verified
truths and answered all important questions; may your grace
and harmony light all lamps.

Victoria Gleeson

Thank you Victoria, your words are very rewarding, internet is a miracle, well used helps souls to touch souls... without any contamination... may the Lord keep blessing you, Juan.

That was the most wonderful work of art that i have ever read. Thank you for the
awakening. All that I read really helped me.

Joyce Goins


Thank you.

Hello Juan,

It is with great love that I write this letter to you.

Indeed it took me a long time, but God himself has shown his true essence to me. The unity of all things through him. The view of all created matter as one living being constantly being renewed in existence by the one true God, the Father of all that is. And to view each other as any different is but an illusion created by the evil one (the lie of differentiated self) who works in the minds of people, dividing them based on illusionary constructions. I can now say that I fully understand the meaning of the fall of man, but now with the great command that Christ had taken to awaken the minds of his people, we are no longer in darkness.

So now that we know with certainty that we have all things through Christ by being one with him, all that is left for us is to open the hearts of others through our walk in this world of darkness. We must plant the seeds of light into every one we meet, for we are not working to save others, but rather to save our whole conscious existence from the pathogenic substance that we call the egotistic self.

Let us be builders and planters, shepherds, and constructors in this age. Through our freely chosen calling let us work to show others the light of God, while fighting the evil one with the swords of our mouth.

And remember, do not be afraid, for no thing is separate from you, and therefore no thing can hurt. You cannot die in Christ for life is all that exists, and will continue to exist so long as God the father wills our existence within the universe.

So go and live, be fruitful and multiply the light 100s fold while your temple still roams this earth. For when Man is fully driven back to God, then God's kingdom will finally be fully established on this earth.

Peace and Blessings,



Praise be to Jesus Christ Who gives all the opportunity to open our door to His entering. We carry the Spirit of Prophecy. The Life of God's Word. The Testimony of Jesus Christ. Be blessed beloved!

John Wood

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Juan.

Beloved Friends  is a truly an amazing piece. Based on my spiritual journey, I know it to be extremely poignant, and should be published. It says virtually everything I share in my discussions, motivational seminars and inspirational workshops. 

 Adlin Sinclair, author of The Answer (a great book)


God has surely blessed this author; it is probably the most affectional Spirit Lift, I have read besides His Bible.

Thank you; and continuous Spiritual gifts in blessings; from above In Jesus name; Gaylord Pearson

Your words are very rewarding and full of generosity, to be able to serve our neighbors is the greatest of the graces, thank you Mr. Pearson and God bless you and yours in this Christmas, with appreciation, Juan San Emeterio.


As I sat here ready to give up I got so desperate that I typed "Jesus" on my computer and somehow your Beloved Friends site came up.  What can I say but "Thank you and God bless you, whoever you are".  While reading those beautiful words I felt a kind of peace come over me.

 There's so much more I could say but to sum it up please let me say again, THANK YOU for those comforting words.

 God bless you whoever you are!

Loretta in Michigan, USA


Beloved Friends,

Here in California May 4, 10:00 am

I waked up wanting to speak about my Father to someone who understood him and was guided to your website. I must say I cried at the conviction and sincerity of the words written. I understood the message. It is with a grateful heart that I say thanks be to God for speaking to me through this website I am greatly enlightened and reconfirmed that my belief to search divine love for my fellowman is greater than wealth and that perfect love cast out all fear and I may now continue my journey knowing that that which I have, inner peace, is the object of my Father's love.

May the precious blood of Christ bind in the heavens, and in the earth and below the earth all those that would keep you from your mission to spread the word of our Lord to the Nations and that the right hand of God the Father be over you granting you all wisdom and perseverance for the challenge ahead. For not only have you inspired me, you have spoke to my Spirit and empowered me. With great love and admiration y con to cariño de C.C.C.



 You are a very enlightened soul.  I have read your words and your website and found them to be words from God and based in His Truth.  You are part of a Revelation and Change that is occurring and I am happy to have found your work on the web.  The Awakening is occurring - all over the world.  May God continue to bless you and guide you in the upcoming challenges you are facing. 



Dear you,

You who have channelled the beautiful, wise, loving message from Jesus Christ. You say the message is a metaphor, -what do you mean by that? I feel this is Jesus speaking his own true words.I just now found this website by chance, and immediately when I started to read I understood that this is so, so true. I thank you for letting us share this very important message

Thank you once again, I will go on reading the other messages as well.


Agneta Lindeborg, Stockholm


You are so confused and full of yourself. And as far from Jesus and the Word as darkness is from dawn. But God loves even you. That, my friend is the miracle. Rodney Sutton


En la vida hay momentos donde solo se necesita
palabras para continuar el camino, hoy encontré esas

Gracias, Rosa Cotto.


At first, I said 'I found this by accident', then I said, NO!  This is a Divine Appointment!  Thank You, Thank You; Father, Thank You, Jesus;  Thank You Holy Spirit!  This is just what the "GREAT PHYSICIAN", ORDERED..............................! This GIFT has been definitely FULLFILLED. Thank you for HEARING and Jesus Blessed Name, Amen. Take Care!


Your published metaphor is full of heresy. In the form which it is
written, one does not understand that it is a metaphor until the end.
If you desire to quote from Jesus then quote Holy Scriptures: quote what
he said and not what you think he said.
Sincerely Yours: Michael Crawford


Dear Beloved Friends,

     Today, I was feeling a little "down," thinking about the challenges with my new job and wondering just how I should approach them, when I decided to go to the Web and look up Inspiration.  In doing so, I went directly to your Beloved Friends Message and found the answers I was needing and more. 

     I won't ask you a lot of questions about where it came from or who wrote it, but simply to say thank you for sharing it with me.  I found it immensely inspirational and filled with truth.

A friend, Trina L. Smallwood.


Dear Juan,

Your site has touched my heart. We are trying to do the same thing in this world -- share Jesus' message. Thank you for the work you are doing. Blessings,

Debbie Luican



As I asked the search on my computer to hook me up to sites related to soul healing, lo and behold, this wonderful, beautifully written, and truthful site filled the screen of my monitor. Thank you for sending me the message, however, it got here. Blessings to all. I am beloved. Beloved I am.


Wonderful and powerful. I just wanted to say that as I started to read this great work of art I couldn't stop. It was a true inspiration to me and I hope that it is also to others that take the time to read it. I happened upon it by accident as I was looking for pictures on web shots (the site). I took this as a message. A message from God. I thank God for it. I also thank you for printing this powerful message. Thank you and God bless you. Amen.... A friend named Susie ...Trust in Him.

My name is Mary.  I stumbled across this yesterday morning, as I was looking for some evidence that God, the one I grew up learning about was real and here.  I've been looking so hard to find life. When I ran across your web-site, and started reading, I was filled with such a feeling, that I can't explain.  Whoever wrote this message, or if it was an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, thank you.

You have given me the next piece of the puzzle so I can continue to try to put it together.  God does live, and sees that I'm trying, and isn't angry with me for searching every aspect of this world for Him. For He placed you exactly where I needed you to be at the exact time He knew I needed you.  Your spirit is beautiful and I love you. Please don't ever stop. Thanks for the bench to rest and the hope to keep searching.



Dear Mary, your words made worth what ever time and effort I do to spread this message, life is our quest and we all may help each other, with your words you are helping me also... God bless you, Juan.


The page you have is so long but very good in of itself. I know I liked it very much! I have not finished it but will book mark it for continued reading! I awoke from a sleep to hear my name and then I came to this page. there is a reason for everything and there must be reason for this too.

Thank you for putting this page on the internet.

May God Bless you! In Jesus Name, A-men

Mr. Dennis G. Liebman. Composer.

One can never do too much "homework." If everyone read this, the world would be a better place. Beloved Friends touched my heart as did a Father's Legacy. You have a gift for capturing messages that truly speak to one's soul. Again, thank you for sharing your gift.


Eileen Walker, New York.


Dear Juan,

Thanks for sending the great message from your heart.  You are one of the kindest, most warm-hearted and generous men I've ever met. (And I've met a lot of men!)

May God grant you and your sweet family every good blessing.

With love and admiration,

George Caylor, Media Columnist


Apreciado compañero, me gustaría saber si este esplendido y maravilloso mensaje y enseñanzas de nuestro amado Jesús se encuentra también en otros idiomas. Si estuvieran disponibles en ruso os agradecería que me las enviaras, ya que me gustaría ofrecérselas a unos amigos.

 Muchas gracias por estas palabras que creo que tanto bien pueden hacer a este mundo en el que nos encontramos actualmente.

                  Un abrazo,



Me gusta mucho su filosofía estoy de acuerdo con su comentario , es maravilloso gracias por ayudarme a confirmar mis pensamientos , a veces me creen tonta por mi forma de pensar y no se encuentran muchas personas en nuestro camino para hablar del tema ,me gustaría saber quien es Usted que escribe tan bello sentimiento y lo trasmite.

Estaba buscando algo que se conecte con el genoma Humano y la parte espiritual como se conecta el espíritu con los cromosomas .

Miryam Galvis

Gracias por sus palabras, es cierto que desgraciadamente las personas con alta percepción no abundan por ello la necesidad de llevar luz y estimular a la gente a reflexionar, veo que tienes inquietudes sobre como se conecta la parte material nuestra con la espiritual... me temo que lo que vas a encontrar son teorías y no creo que sea algo que debe ocuparte recuerda que nuestro tiempo esta contado y que debes hacer el mejor y mas productivo uso de él... yo soy un simple mensajero y siempre lo mas importante es el mensaje no quien lo hace llegar..... Gracias y sigue tus instintos, vas bien...


  Dear Juan,

It makes my life so much more interesting to know you are in the same world that I am in. You have a great website, and wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement.

With love and admiration,

George Caylor


Dear Friend...

These words resonated with me.

Carol Davis
Portland, Oregon, USA

Dear Carol, it is rewarding what you said, who am I is not that important but you can go to and click on the "message from the proprietor" and you can find it out, thank you for taking your time and God bless you, Juan.

Dear Juan...

Have you ever heard of James Twyman--The Peace Troubadour?  I heard him speak last year and he told a story about traveling in Bosnia/Serbia.  While there, he was led to a hidden monastery, and he was asked by the priest to interview some amazing children.  Each one said to him:

    What would you do if you knew, beyond a doubt, that you are already spiritually awakened?

Then the children said:


Graciás, Carol

[P.S.  I apologize for not writing in Spanish, but I don't know very many words.  Thank you for communicating in English.]]

Thank you Carol, that is wonderful, I realized that as poetry is God's language, children voices and children's eyes are God's voice and God's eyes... and they are wiser than us in many ways... we just have to be perceptive enough... you are for sure a special soul Carol, here is something for you to enjoy,


You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. * Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. * Kirsten, age 10


Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. * Camille, age 10

No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married. * Freddie, age 6 (Very wise for his age)


You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. * Derrick, age 8


Both don't want any more kids. * Lori, age 8


Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. * Lynnette, age 8 (Isn't she a treasure)

On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. * Martin, age 10


I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns. * Craig, age 9


When they're rich. * Pam, age 7

The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. * Curt, age 7

The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. * Howard, age 8


I don't know which is better, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm never going to have sex with my wife. I don't want to be all grossed out. * Theodore, age 8

It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. * Anita, age 9


There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? * Kelvin, age 8

"And the #1 Favorite is........"


Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck. * Ricky, age 10

The best for you, Juan.


The message that I have read has come to me at the perfect time in my life and I am grateful. This message is a true blessing. Thank you. I hope that I might bless you also by sharing some words. Several years ago during a time of depression, God gave me a song that comforted me for many years until my mind and spirit lightened. I hope that sharing the words may bring you joy.

Now that I've been living this way
For all these years
It's time that I come forward and say
That I can confirm your words

I've looked for my savior until
I found him in a stranger
Found him in a friend and then
I found him in the mirror

All of you who see me now
Are living in my father's home again
As we grow and become more aware
I can't express the love we'll share, my friends
Know me

Just look into these eyes that cried your tears
And look upon this face that shines your joy
Know that I've returned and I am here
Jesus Christ is living in this boy
Know me

Sometimes when I reach out my hand
One of you takes it
I see you the first time
As I melt into your eyes

Whenever I'm lost
One of you always comes finds me
It feels like I'm ready
To just lay down this cross

All of you who see me now
Are living in my father's home again
As we grow and become more aware
I can't express the love we'll share, my friends
Know me

Just look into these eyes that cried your tears
And look upon this face that shines your joy
Know that I've returned and I am here
Jesus Christ is living in this boy
Know me

Just look upon these hands that do your work
And look upon these feet that bear your scars
Let he who can't see open up your eyes
If you can't feel my love open your heart
and Know me

All of you who see me now
Are living in my father's home again
As we grow and become more aware
I can't express the love we'll share, my friends
Know me

Just look into these eyes that cried your tears
And look upon this face that shines your joy
Know that I've returned and I am here
Jesus Christ is living in this boy
Know me

Know me
Know me
Know me
Know me

In God's love,

Mark Stannard - BandIsland

"Susan Crawford (Phoenix)":

Dear, thank you, perhaps you are right but I learned with my own children the value of "tough love" in order for them to grow properly and the Lord is perfect in His wisdom and His ways are mysterious and all of us have some responsibilities to accomplish for our own growth which well fulfilled make us deserving of that love and that grace which we may not take as granted even if is as you say, a free gift... Thank you, Juan San Emeterio.

Those words settled my mind of not being alone or not knowing why it is the way  of this world. If Our Father God and his son Jesus could and have spoken through these Computer pages for such a wandering soul as I . I say thank you
My strength and my love is forever in their arms.

Edmonton, Canada

     Esta super precioso, esto esta divino, gracias le doy a Dios por Ud. o Uds. que se toman su tiempo para enviarnos y recordarnos hasta por medio de la computadora.   De verdad que Dios me escucha, mis ORACIONES.   Por que de lindas personitas como uds. aprendemos mas de Dios y nos recuerdan mas a Dios..Muchas Gracias, Que Dios los Bendiga
Queda de Ud/s Gloria
Pos Data:
Escribo de los de Los Angeles California
Kindly, have someone who works with the English language, work with your editors. Jesus could  well have been a proof reader as a carpenter. Stephen Matlaga
 He leído gran parte de tu escrito y lo creo formidable.  Los consejos y amonestaciones están obvios en las palabras de Jesús.

Luis G. Cajiga